
I am not a photographer.

I went through my camera roll and picked the ones that are my favorite. I think I do a decent job of showing the aspects of better photography. Some of these photos show depth, others have EXCELLENT lighting, and others have excellent backgrounds. I won’t say that all of my photos accentuate the aspects of good photography, but I am conscious of how I take photos. As I stated in another post, I prefer the candid photos above anything, but a good family pic can’t be beat. I really appreciated reading Telling Stories in Photography. I noticed that I really focus on lighting and depth for my photos.

This is one of my favorite, more recent pictures. I am very picky when it comes to pictures of myself and no one really captures my angles well.

This photo captures great lighting, depth, and foreground/background.

I think this is the perfect candid photo of my sister. A true moment of appreciation for them both (or three).

Rhodonite crystals
A biplane ride in OBX
Pumpkin Patch

Overall, I think that I need to pay more attention to aesthetics and the use of lenses. I don’t really play around with my cameras anymore or adjust anything on my iPhone.

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