I really enjoy being outside, but with the snow, I’ve gone outside less and less. I’m not a fan of the cold and I can’t stand my clothes being wet. So I just took a peek out the window. The last time I really paid attention to my yard, the tree out front was losing its leaves. I really spend so much time on the move that I don’t take the time to soak in my environment. I did end up having a snowball fight with my family. I can say that’s the most fun I had in the snow in years. And it was the good snow, the kind that isn’t too hard and doesn’t crumble. The kind that makes the perfect snowball. It is a little hard trying to protect a 6 year old from 3 people while trying to protect yourself. lol It was a good time though. I’d recommend everyone take advantage of the snow and let their inner child out for a bit.