Assignment Bank!

Dear Mom,

I know you’re sitting right upstairs and will probably never read this but oh well. I just want to thank you for everything you do for me and Bailey. I know that you do your best to not step on my toes as her mother, but I don’t know where I’d be without you. I’m […]

Assignment Bank!


For this assignment, you had to write a letter by hand to someone. I decided to write my letter to my niece. My twin is pregnant and due 2/27/21. I talk to her all the time, but I thought it would be cool for her to have letters for when she gets older too. I […]

Assignment Bank!

Another Day

I really enjoy being outside, but with the snow, I’ve gone outside less and less. I’m not a fan of the cold and I can’t stand my clothes being wet. So I just took a peek out the window. The last time I really paid attention to my yard, the tree out front was losing […]

Assignment Bank!

Candyman Haiku

Look in the mirror Candyman, I say three time I can’t hide, help me! ….I’ve always been a fan of scary movies. Candyman was always one of my favorites when I was younger. When I seen the assignment, I really wanted to think outside the box as far as what myth I could use. This […]
