I think I knew instantly what I wanted to do for the radio show. It was just a matter of getting others on board. Over the weekend I was a little discouraged because no one really was signing up. I was even up to changing the topic. I’m glad that we finally got some people to hop on. I think we spoke and collaborated at least once a day this week, which is great because this is too big of an assignment to just waste time. I think we all had good concepts and the creativity between everyone is great. I am still up in the air about the name. We agreed to meet over the weekend to record together.

I felt like the best idea for this radio show was to have a guided conversation. We can talk about our experiences and how we’ve been affected by it all. Personally, my life is completely different than it was this time last year. I had just bought a brand new car, wasn’t in school, and I was preparing to send my daughter to Kindergarten. Today is a complete 180 from what I expected. Anyway, I think overall our group is progressing very well. I’m excited to actually record. I think we are pretty well rounded as far as what it takes to pull the show together. I’m not too good with audio editing. I did a decent job on my radio bumper, but I still want to fix it up. I felt that Ludacris adds the perfect touch.
Fingers crossed we get it all completed this weekend!