

I found the info in Open Culture pretty dope. I never looked at a movie poster or logo twice, even though it’s obvious so much though and work goes into drawing your eye to it. It kind of surprised me that other countries create their own movie posters. I was amazed at how different theirs look compared to ours. The hand drawn ones are amazing.

It brought me back to when I was in photojournalism in high school. I took it for 3 years and honestly didn’t think anything of it. We literally designed the yearbook for the school and I should have been so proud of all the work we put into it. When I was reading through The Vignelli Cannon, I seen the same grid that we used to put together our pages. Everyone who bought the yearbook would have never known that the students in that class wrote every article, took every picture, and designed every page of that book. We literally spent over a school year putting it together (some of the editors still worked on it during the summer). This class is putting so much into perspective. How many things can you point out in your room alone that someone put all of their creativity into. It sure makes you appreciate everything a bit more.

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