I’ve really put a lot of thought into the theme for the semester, “What’s y(our) story?” I’ve seen quite of people confused as to what it could possibly mean. I guess it’s really up to how you feel in the moment. These posts and activities definitely showcase all our different qualities and talents. Just look at the daily creates. I scrolled through just to look for inspiration. How many could you relate to?
I believe that ultimately the theme is meant to show that although we are different, we all can relate to each other. This week I can definitely say was more challenging. Finding an assignment that I could figure out was tough lol. I’ve never been good at creating/editing videos or gifs, but I guess youtube will be my best friend this semester for tutorials!

I think I’ll say it again every week, this class is a challenge for sure, but I am enjoying it. This is my opportunity to become more internet savvy. I had already changed my theme last week and played with it a little more this week. I ultimately stayed with the same theme. I’m figuring out how to link more of my accounts to my blog and created some categories to add some organization. I’m sure it’ll look a little more snazzy next week. Until next time!