Assignment Bank!

Contradiction Creation

For this visual assignment, I literally sat, staring out my window while I worked and wished I was outside. The last few times I was off and planned to go anywhere, it was raining. We were instructed to create a contradicting graphic that was somewhat “anti-motivational”. I honestly hate being in the rain, but I […]

Assignment Bank!

The Wiz

One of my favorite movies is The Wiz. Michael Jackson and Diana Ross brought a whole different feel to the story line. Before the movie, The Wiz was a musical in Baltimore and later lead to Broadway in the 70s. Initially, the show did not have very much support and was on the verge of […]

Assignment Bank!

Leo the Lion

This is the story of Leo the lion. He had his marvelous fur, a gorgeous mane, and an even more fabulous island. People would come far and wide to see Leo on top of his luxurious castle, but not one person dare step foot on the land. For if you did, there was nothing that […]
